Using your own fat as a filler has recently seen a massive increase as a procedure in both the NHS and the private sector. The use of your fat as either a filler for soft tissue defects, or for augmenting areas of the body that require that little more fullness, has long been used, however the practice has increased enormously in all parts of the world over recent years. The UK is now one of the world’s largest fat filling, or Lipo-Modelling nations, with both the NHS and private sector increasingly using fat as the best and most popular filling ingredient. It is natural as it comes from you, so rejection, allergies and other complications are reduced. The results can be permanent, where the transplanted fat survives, giving you a natural soft tissue filler where it is needed.
In the NHS, DIEP flap breast reconstruction is the “gold” standard of todays plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Using the abdominal fat and blood supply as your new reconstructed breast. However many DIEP flaps require some further correction to volume or smoothing of edges and contour defects after a couple of years. This is where Lipo-modelling is excellent, as a means to move fat from one area of the body, such as the tummy, thigh’s or upper arms, to repair the contours in another. Using modern Liposuction methods to remove the fat, and fat harvesting canisters that collect and separate the fat from the fluid, blood and oils, todays surgeons can replace approximately 200-600 ml of fat within an hour to its new site.
In the cosmetic world, this also makes for excellent new procedures that use your own fat to remodel your breast, buttocks, calf and many other areas that previously would have required an implant. Using your own natural tissues instead of a silicone foreign implant has got to be a sensible and longer term solution for many today.
ESSHOP has an excellent range of Fat Grafting garments, ideally suited for these surgical procedure. Compression support garments to the areas where the fat has been removed, and less aggressive compression to the areas where the injected fat has been placed, that help maintain the correction and give you more comfort when recovering from surgery. For more information talk to your surgeon or contact Eurosurgical.
At ESSHOP we would love to be able to NOT charge the extra 20% VAT for the post-surgical garments, and in particular the support bra’s that are ordered by women after surgery for breast cancer or breast reconstruction. We recently received some criticism from a UK lady who was looking to purchase a post-surgical Design Veronique bra, the Josephine #460 after her mastectomy and was surprised and rather annoyed to find that this garment was still subject to VAT. As a result, we have looked into the VAT ruling on surgical bra’s and why some bra’s, including our own Marianna style and several of those from other companies, such as Marks & Spencer and Nicola Jayne, are VAT exempt. The ruling states that the device or product ( in this case the surgical support bra) must be designed for a specific purpose ONLY and that is stated in the text. The bra’s that are sold as post-mastectomy bra’s – ALL feature breast pockets, designed to hold external breast prosthesis. These bra’s then qualify for a VAT exemption ruling. The Design Veronique bra’s, although they are often ideal for women that have undergone a surgical procedure for breast removal, whether that is mastectomy, or lumpectomy – are also worn as support bra’s for women that have undergone other breast procedures, such as a breast reduction or mastopexy – and DO NOT have the additional breast cup pockets that would distinguish them for Mastectomy purpose only.
Unfortunately for British women, breast reduction is now considered a “cosmetic procedure” and is not offered on the NHS and is not VAT free.
Surgery to the stomach area, such as Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), Liposuction or surgery for breast reconstruction that uses the tummy skin and fat (know as a DIEP or TRAM flap) are painful procedures. The surgery involves dividing the abdominal skin and fat from the underlying muscle layers, which can result in a lot of pain, seroma (the building up of fluid) and bruising to the affected area. Patients tend to want to protect or “guard” there tummy, which can lead to longer recovery time. One of the best ways to quickly recover from this surgery, is to use an effective Abdominal Binder that compresses the area and helps hold and compress the tissues together to assist the healing process. Most Abdominal Binders are however, rather uncomfortable and rigid structures – okay if they are to make you look slimmer and help to get into that particular dress, but not very good for post-surgical recovery. Until NOW! Design Veronique have launched the all new #345-9 and #355-9 for female and male patients Abdominal post-op care. Using a unique cotton fabric 9″ (23cm) panel structure, with a full length Velcro fastening, the binder can be fitted to all sizes and the amount of compression adjusted easily and on a daily base, that will allow you to remain in comfort whilst you assist and recover from surgery.
We are really excited about the addition of the NEW Bruise MD™ cream to the esshop site. Several surgical patients have recently tried Bruise MD™ following surgery and have reported excellent improvement. Sue, recently underwent Liposuction to the abdomen (tummy) by a plastic surgeon in Chelmsford. Sue was given the Bruise MD™ 30ml cream to use twice daily when she went home. Sue also took a daily picture diary of her tummy and has sent us the photographs. “The results were amazing” Sue wrote to me, from quite bruised, swollen purple and yellow decolourisations on day 1-3, by day 7, ALL of the bruising had completely disappeared visually and the area was not sensitive to touch. In combination with the Design Veronique garments, this is an excellent addition to post-op care plan.
Aurora Clinics are one of the UK’s largest independently run Plastic and cosmetic surgery clinics. Established in 2001 by their founder Mr Adrian Richards, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Aurora has gone from strength to strength and was awarded the Best Aesthetic Clinic by MyFace, MyBody magazine in 2015. Aurora have several clinics throughout the UK and work with only the top qualified UK plastic surgeons. After trying the Design Veronique post-surgical bra style #454-1” Allyssandria, for the Aurora Clinic Breast augmentation patients, they have recently switched over to these entirely and informed Eurosurgical how delighted their breast patients are with the comfort, support and effectiveness of the Allyssandria bra.
Post-operative pressure therapy is essential with many operations, but is particularly important after Gynaecomastia correction, – to prevent the occurrence of seroma which can cause extra scar tissue formation which can spoil the final result. It is essential for the patients to wear good quality, accurately fitted pressure garments for 6 weeks and they must therefore be of the best quality and comfortable to wear.
I have a particular interest in this operation and have recommended the Design Veronique pressure garments for years and many of my patients have commented on their value and effectiveness. The Eurosurgical delivery service is first class and the patients can measure and order in the knowledge that their garment will arrive promptly.
Mr Paul Levick (FRCS Plast.) Consultant Plastic Surgeon, BMI Priory Hospital Birmingham
Eurosurgical and our esshop has always valued our excellent relationships with our suppliers world-wide, so that we are able to bring to the UK, the world’s best products and service in the fields of Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Over the past 15 years, we have worked with only the worlds leading manufacturers in securing only the best products. We have been the proud exclusive UK distributor or the excellent Design Veronique range of post-surgical compression garments since 2002. Design Veronique are the worlds leading producer of surgical support and compression wear. Based in Richmond, California, USA, founded over 30 years ago and still family owned by Veronique and George Smith, DV have built, designed and created over 100 styles for both women and men. With eight sizes options, a choice of three colours, black ,white and champagne and with zippered and non-zippered styles, we offer the most comprehensive range available today. Every garment is designed to suit your personal objectives with many features to ensure comfort and anatomical correctness are maintained. These include seamless panels at surgical incision sites, non-marking flat seams, open crotch for comfort and ease of use, breathable and run-resistant powernet fabric which can also accommodate surgical drains. The result is a high-quality garment that is designed to make postoperative recovery a better experience for you.
When looking to buy a “slimming” corset to make that party or wedding dress look stunning, the ideal undergarment that will help you make the right impression, has to be comfortable (especially if its to be worn all day at the hot summer wedding) breathable, with a fabric that has maximum compression without unsightly seams running right down the middle of your tummy. The Design Veronique range of “slimming” corsets are just right for all occasions where impressions matter. The Veronique garments are made of a Powernet fabric, which has a breathable nylon weave that will not stretch out of shape and remains comfortable throughout the day. No external seams that will ruin that “flat tummy” line or spoil the look under any dress or suit. The seams are internal and running inside the garment. Available in a choice of colours, white, black or nude to match your prefect outfit.
Any surgery to the body (abdomen) whether it is “open” (laparotomy) or “closed” key hole surgery, is a painful experience, with recovery hampered by the feeling that your stomach has been punctured or stabbed in several places. The natural tendency to bend over, curl up and get a hot water bottle to protect the body is actually counter-productive and will lead to slower recovery with shorter and shallower breathing. “You need to stand up straight and take full deep breaths” is what the doctor orders, but not always easy to accomplish.
Using the Design Veronique abdominal binder immediately after the surgery, not only gives the patient the added protection, support, compression and comfort, but actually demands that the body is correctly positioned, with stomach in, shoulders back and deep, long full breaths – to aid and speed up recovery. Available in 6”, 9” and 12” lengths, the binder should be positioned comfortable between the top of the pubic bone to the bottom of the lowest ribs. The larger abdominal binders have pleated backs, so that the bottom panel sits over the hips (which is wider) and the top panel compressed the softer tissues of the stomach. Faster recovery, better support, feel better sooner.
You’re looking forward to your new breasts. How big will I be? Going from a “B” cup to a “C” or “D”?? What new bra’s will I buy?
Planning for breast surgery, whether that is to go larger or smaller, is exciting and daunting at the same time. Popping out to the shops to buy the new bra for your new shape sounds easy, but how do you determine what size you will become before your surgery? Your surgeon would have told you about the post-operative pain, swelling and discomfort, so how can you help yourself recover. Choosing the right bra for your new shape, that gives you the right support and fits your new shape, can be made so much easier if you look for a Post-Operative Support bra from Design Veronique at ESSHOP.
Design Veronique Post-Surgical Support bras are available in many styles, to suit different conditions, such as whether you have breast enlargement (augmentation), breast asymmetry, reduction or reconstruction – there are Design Veronique Bra’s that are suited to aid your recovery and make you comfortable and look good. All the bras have front fastening – it is amazing difficult to do up your bra from the back – after you have had surgery!! The shoulder straps are adjustable, so that the correct position of the cup and the side supports can be easily found.
How to choose the right size?
Simply measure your under bust circumference before your operation. Get a friend to help you and do not wear clothes. This size will NOT be altered by surgery, as this is the size of your rib cage. If it measures 32” prior to the surgery, you will require a Medium Design Veronique Bra of any from the range. Do not assume that because you normally buy a 32” bra that you are indeed 32”. It is essential that you actually take this measurement, it may be quite different from what you expect.
Which bra’s to choose from the Design Veronique range for my surgery?
The following are some simple suggestions of Design Veronique style bras that are made for different surgeries;
Breast Enlargement (augmentation), also breast Mastopexy (uplift) and Breast Asymmetry.
Allyssandra 2” Cotton Bra
Yesmina Cotton Sports Bra
Breast Reduction
D’Andrea Optimum Bra
Breast Reconstruction
4510 Bra with Implant Stabliser
B943 Compression Arm Sleeves
BV933 Long Arm Sleeve
Now you can choose your colour – White, Black or Nude!
Gynaecomastia, Man boobs (or Moobs) have increased massively during the latter twentieth century. Often diet and exercise are helpful in reducing the appearance of breast tissue and improving the chest muscles, but not always!!
Many men today find that their unwanted, soft tissue of rather large breast glands, sit on top of the developed muscles (the pectoral) which is developed and hidden underneath the breast. How can you reduce the appearance of soft tissue, when diet and exercise don’t work?
Surgery is one option – a small incision in the armpit, through which the surgeon uses both liposuction and dissection to remove the fatty tissues and the fibrous glands behind the nipple. Mr Paul Levick, a plastic surgeon based in the West Midlands and an expert on Gynaecomastia surgery for over 30 years, has carried out this difficult surgery in over 2000 men and is the author of a book on the subject says, “Gynaecomastia patients can be very demanding and have come in with a view of what they want to achieve, the surgery demands the greatest attention to detail and a knowledge of the structures involved, to be able to produce repeatable and pleasing results”.
Design Veronique are the No. 1 USA surgical compression company, founded by husband and wife team, George and Veronique Smith from Oakland, California, who specialise in compression garments, that can be worn either after surgery – to aid recovery or instead of surgery to produce a desired result.
The style #640 Male Vest is a specific garment made for men who have undergone breast reduction (Gynaecomastia) surgery. The vest is made of a breathable fabric called “PowerNet” a hexagonal weave of proprietary materials (spandex and nylon) which allows for multi-direction expansion. This unique design of hexagonal weave, together with the use of Gradient Compression Technology (GCT) has allowed Design Veronique to create the ideal male compression garment, that maintains the right compression forces to the chest and helps return the body to the right shape after surgery and once the initial swelling and bruising has reduced.
Leading UK Plastic Surgeon, Mr Paul Levick says “finding the ideal male compression vest to complement the surgery, has been of significant important to my results, I recommend the Design Veronique style #640 to all my patients”.
Surgery is not for everybody however as it is quite a dramatic decision to take, let alone the costs and recovery involved. So are there garments or vests that can help reduce the appearance of the Man boob, without the need for surgery?
Yes, Design Veronique now produce a second-stage garment for gynaecomastia, the style #1240, a garment that has been designed to provide more compression, with a double-layer of the unique PowerNet fabric and Gradient Compression Technology over the entire upper chest area – in a vest! This is ideal for all men that wish to produce that toned chest structure, even without having the surgery.
I am very pleased with the products & although there are many cheaper products available, I feel that these are far superior in quality & they fit extremely well & are therefore very reassuring to wear as well as very comfortable too. I am very satisfied with my purchases.
H Boot-Handford – Purchase Date 17th February 2014
The service was fantastic, both times I called with an enquiry the staff were really friendly and helpful. I exchanged my first order as it was slightly too big, and the replacement arrived the next day as promised.
I would definitely recommend Eurosurgical, was really impressed with how helpful and efficient the staff were, and am very happy with the product.
P Woodward – Purchase date 4th April 2014
The product itself is excellent – all the nurses at the hospital commented on how good it was.
C Kennedy – Purchase Date 30th October 2014
The item is as described, washes well and is comfortable to wear following my surgery.
J Harrison – Purchase date 15th January 2015
The communication from you was very good as there was a delay with part of the order and I was telephoned in person to discuss my options. Great customer service.
K Chatman – Purchase date 18th January 2015