Products for Women’s Gynaecological Health

Monday, July 17th 2017

Four new female products have been added to our range of products under Women’s Gynae. Health

I.    EVE menstrual cup.    Hygienic collection device for the menstrual period

2.   PELVIX exercise Cones for the pelvic floor muscles

3.   INTIMRELAX consisting 3 vaginal dilators to assist relaxation

4.   KEGEL BALLS   to strengthen the Pelvic  floor muscles 


 EVE CUP is a comfortable user friendly menstrual cup designed to be inserted into the vagina to collect the menstrual flow for up to 12 hours before cleaning and re-inserting again if necessary.  Available in 2 sizes.


PELVIX offers a natural therapy based on a series of 5 differing weighted cones that are placed into the vagina in order to encourage muscle tone and strengthening to facilitate better sphincter control of the bladder, vagina and anus.


INTIMRELAX is indicated for treating atrophic vaginitis or vaginal narrowing which can effect the young or elderly women even after years of sexual pain free intercourse.  Involuntary vaginal muscle contraction can be dilated gently with a set of Intimrelax dilators.


KEGEL BALLS are particular recommended for post partum uterine involution as a treatment to alleviate and prevent urinary incontinence and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles thus helping urinary continence and satisfying sex as an outcome.


The above products can be found on our website at and purchased from our shop at our website   Click on sexual health and then Women’s Gynae Health.                                                     Alternatively call our office on 01483 456007



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