The MicroSurgery Arena

  • Complete Microsurgery practice / training kit “in a box”
  • Can be fixed onto surface
  • Use with loops – for larger sutures such as 6/0
  • Under table-top microscope for sutures 8/0 to 10/0
  • Raised suture hubs to loop suture around to improve microsurgical instrument skills
  • Micro-suture tying mesh for 8/0 to 15/0 sutures

£170.40 inc.VAT £142.00

SKU: MSA1 Categories: ,

This product is available for UK customers only. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship outside of the United Kingdom.

Improve your microsurgical skills – by doing!

Microsurgery is a highly specialised and a niche skill that is applied in many branches of Surgery – mainly in Plastic and reconstructive Surgery but other specialties like Maxillo facial Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Neurosurgery, to name a few. While training on living animal models may be the ‘gold standard’ in acquiring this specialist skills, the prohibitive cost and stringent requirements make such courses very expensive and limited. 

The device is developed by the collaboration between Mr Jeyaram Srinivasan, a NHS Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon (with a passion in widening Microsurgery skills to ALL Plastic surgery trainees) and a very dynamic and innovative Surgical Resident, Dr Francesco Costa from Bologna, Italy. 

The Microsurgery Arena is an evolution of an idea of using a ‘low fidelity’ but portable device that will make the Microsurgery training easier and accessible to many. This a safe and contemporary concept based on a tried and tested ‘Round the clock’ Training method used in Microsurgery training as a warm up. This device is used in many Microsurgery Training courses in UK, Italy and India – where Jeyaram Srinivasan has been involved as a Teaching faculty. This device has universally improved Microsurgery skills acquisition, manual dexterity, instrument handling, complex wrist movements – all skills that help to improve the final microsurgery technique. Like any ‘warm up’ before a physical exercise, training on this Arena before the actual surgical procedure is to be performed, will be a useful way to build your ‘small muscle memory’ and make the actual procedure, more fluent. 

The device is designed and made in Italy – with attention to every detail, in order to bring a rich training experience. It is packed in a way to make it easier to carry in a small case and be available for a ‘quick’ warm up practice as and when one requires it. 

The Full Kit is available as a ready to use box that includes:

Microsurgery Arena device in its screw cap box

Castroviejo Micro-needle Holder curved 14cm with lock

Jewellers forceps straight 11cm

Castroviejo Micro-scissor curved 14cm

6/0 and 8/0 Microsuture packs

QR code to link to Training Videos on the website